Specializing in entrance control solutions with  interior and exterior turnstiles ranging from simple tripod turnstiles, entrance gates, full-height turnstiles to advanced speed gates and revolving security doors for a wide range of applications.

The wide  range of entry control products is designed to create a safe environment, whether it is to enter the lobby of a company, a store, an entertainment area, an industrial area or a subway station without restricting freedom of movement or operate within sites with higher security requirements like airports, embassies, nuclear power plants and prisons.

Turnstile Gates and Barrier system Singapore


Turnstile System

All product models are compact security barriers that save space while still providing enough room to integrate any kind of access control system. They can be installed with an alarm system to prevent unwanted entry, a command console, a traffic light system, a passage counter, a card reader, traffic lights, and a display. In the event of an emergency or power outage, the special dropping arm feature offers a failsafe solution and allows for egress during emergency evacuations. Longevity and low maintenance require years and millions of trouble-free travels. In a reception area, for instance, the turnstile creates a secure environment. Stadiums and arenas, interior and exterior security, leisure and theme parks, retail crowd control, transit fare collection, and lobby access control are just a few of the various uses for our turnstiles.

Our turnstile solutions offer a range of benefits that contribute to a safer and more streamlined environment. Here’s why you should consider incorporating turnstiles into your access control strategy:

  1. Enhanced Security:
    • Controlled Access: Turnstiles act as a robust first line of defence, ensuring that only authorized individuals can enter designated areas.
    • Deterrence: The visible presence of turnstiles serves as a deterrent, discouraging unauthorized access and promoting a secure environment.
  2. Efficient Flow Management:
    • Smooth Throughput: Turnstiles facilitate a controlled and organized flow of individuals, preventing overcrowding and congestion.
    • Bi-Directional Control: Our turnstile solutions support seamless entry and exit, optimizing the movement of people within your facility.
  3. Customizable Solutions:
    • Tailored to Your Needs: Choose from a variety of turnstile types, including flap panel barriers, retractable flap barriers, full height swing panels, half height swing panels, and tripod turnstiles, to match the specific requirements of your facility.
    • Integration Capabilities: Our turnstile systems can be seamlessly integrated with access control technologies such as RFID cards, biometric scanners, and more.
  4. Cost-Effective Security:
    • Reduced Manpower: Automated turnstile operation minimizes the need for additional staff to manage entrances and exits, resulting in long-term cost savings.
    • Reliable Performance: Our turnstile solutions are built to last, providing a cost-effective investment in the security and efficiency of your facility.
  5. User-Friendly Experience:
    • Intuitive Operation: Our turnstiles are designed for user-friendly operation, ensuring a hassle-free experience for both staff and visitors.
    • Time and Attendance Tracking: Enhance workplace management with turnstiles integrated into time and attendance systems.
  6. Versatility in Design:
    • Aesthetic Appeal: Choose turnstiles that complement the aesthetic of your facility, whether you prioritize a sleek, modern design or a more traditional look.
    • Space Optimization: With various designs and sizes, our turnstiles are adaptable to different spatial constraints

Commercial Places

Half Height Swing Panel:

    • Cost-Effective: Half height swing panel turnstiles are often more cost-effective than their full-height counterparts while still providing a physical barrier.
    • Visual Deterrence: While not as imposing as full-height turnstiles, half-height swing panels can act as a visual deterrent to unauthorized entry.
    • Where: Half height swing panel turnstiles are used when a physical barrier is needed, but full height is not required, and cost considerations come into play.
    • Examples: office buildings, amusement parks, stadiums, libraries and subway stations.
    • Security: Provides a lower level of security compared to full height, but still creates a physical barrier.
    • Space Efficiency: Occupies less space than full height turnstiles but more than tripods and flap barriers.
    • Throughput Capacity: Moderate throughput, suitable for applications with moderate foot traffic.
    • Cost: Often more cost-effective than full height turnstiles.
    • Aesthetics: Offers a balance between aesthetics and functionality.

Transit stations

Retractable Flap Barrier:

    • Space Efficiency: Retractable flap barriers take up less space when compared to full-height turnstiles, making them suitable for areas with limited space.
    • Bi-Directional Control: Most flap barriers can control both entry and exit, providing flexibility in managing the flow of people.
    • Where: Retractable flap barriers are suitable for areas with limited space and a need for bi-directional control.
    • Examples: Transit stations, office buildings, government facilities, and public transportation hubs.
    • Security: Moderate security with a sleek design. Not as physically imposing as full height turnstiles.
    • Space Efficiency: Most space-efficient due to the retractable panels, making them suitable for areas with limited space.
    • Throughput Capacity: Higher throughput compared to swing panel turnstiles, accommodating a steady flow of individuals.
    • Cost:Moderately priced, depending on the technology and features.

Government Facilities /Airport/Checkpoints

Full Height Swing Panel:

    • High Security: Full height swing panels provide enhanced security by creating a physical barrier from floor to ceiling, preventing unauthorized access.
    • Tamper-Resistant: These turnstiles are difficult to tamper with, providing a robust solution for high-security areas.
    • Where: Full height swing panel turnstiles are employed in locations where high-security access control is crucial.
    • Examples: Prisons, secure government facilities, critical infrastructure sites, and research laboratories.
    • Security: Offers the highest level of security by creating a physical barrier from floor to ceiling, preventing unauthorized access.
    • Space Efficiency: Requires more space due to its full-height design.
    • Throughput Capacity: Moderate throughput capacity due to the physical barrier and single-person passage.
    • Cost: Typically more expensive due to the increased material and construction requirements.
    • Aesthetics: Tends to have a more imposing appearance, may be less aesthetically pleasing in certain environments.

Attraction Parks/Educational Institute/Fitness centers

Tripod Turnstile:

    • Cost-Effective: Tripod turnstiles are generally more cost-effective than full-height turnstiles and can be a practical solution for various applications.
    • Compact Design: Tripod turnstiles have a compact design, making them suitable for areas with limited space.
    • Quick Throughput: These turnstiles allow for relatively quick and efficient throughput of individuals.
    • Where: Tripod turnstiles are employed in locations where cost-effectiveness and a moderate level of security are sufficient.
    • Examples: Fitness centres, public transportation facilities, stadiums, amusement parks, and schools.
    • Security: Provides basic security. Suitable for areas where moderate access control is sufficient.
    • Space Efficiency: Compact design, making it suitable for areas with space constraints.
    • Throughput Capacity: Relatively quick throughput for moderate foot traffic.
    • Cost: Generally more cost-effective compared to full height and some flap and swing panel barriers.
    • Aesthetics: Compact and can be visually unobtrusive, fitting various architectural styles.